All versions, both electric and gas, are equipped with mechanical or digital controls so that the temperature can be precisely adjusted. The direct heat technology with high efficiency burners guarantees a very quick recovery time and the heat distribution over a large surface prevents oil from being damaged by excessive temperatures. The tank’ s well-rounded edges and the large inclined basket rest allow the operator to maintain the maximum hygiene and be safe and comfortable while working.
Worktop, front and side panels made of AISI 304 stainless steel. Inside made of stainless steel.Stainless steel burners with an oval honey-comb section. Oval section large surface heat exchangers positioned directly in the tank to ensure fast and homogeneous heating. Pilot flame and thermocouple safety valve. Piezoelectric ignition with rubber protection. AISI 304 stainless steel tank with large rounded edges and wide cold zone below the burners to decant the residual. The top with rounded edges integrates a board to rest baskets; it is slightly inclined to favor oil draining. Temperature control through a thermostatic valve from 110° C to 190° C with a more precise temperature detection, thanks to the sensors positioned in the tank. Safety thermostat with manual restart. Spherical draining tap positioned in the compartment controlled by an athermic handle and with steel collection tray.